Our mission is to help close the wellness gap for BIPOC by joyfully reclaiming our magic and sacred healing practices.

About The Shift

The Shift is

Our innate connection to the unseen realms that we have been severed from

Holistic well-being

Rooted in ancient practices since the origin of our cultures

Grounded in the present place + moment

Being in right relationship with ourselves + the world around us, knowing we’re all interconnected

Our birthright - we are all connected to Source

Welcome to ALL parts of you

Within us

The Shift is not

Woo woo

“Wellness” + beauty

A New Age trend



Reserved for those born with “the gift”

“Love and light” only

Outside of us

We are not exclusive nor anti-White. All are welcome to our flagship events, including allies who support our (access to) well-being.

Our core values







Building Sustainable Community

Phase I

Feel Me Flow series in LA

Phase II

Additional, intimate BIPOC-only happenings in LA and beyond

Phase III

Annual membership community - access to all happenings, plus discounted/free access to resources supporting our holistic well-being

Potential membership partners:

  • Wellness apps

  • Holistic + alternative health practitioners

  • Intuitive healing practitioners

  • Gyms

  • Massage centers + more

About the Founder

Ruby Sheng Nichols is the Founder and Boss Witch at The Shift. She began her career as a Brand Strategist at reputable ad agencies in NY and LA, such as TBWA\Chiat\Day LA. After 8 years, corporate burnout and postpartum depression led her on a deep spiritual journey that cracked her heart open to the magic and mysteries of the Universe. 

She quickly discovered the power of the Akashic Records and Tarot for profound healing and wisdom that she now offers to clients through readings, energy healings, meditations, group programs, workshops, and mentorships. Additionally, Ruby is a wellness practitioner at The Preserve LA (formerly Second Home) and an Intuitive Reader at Mystic Journey Bookstore. She has read at celebrity homes and worked with companies, such as Skims and Neuehouse. 

As an Intuitive Guide, it is her greatest joy and honor to lead people home to their truth, infinite power, and deep magic.

About the Akashic Records

If you’re wondering WTF the Akashic Records are, it’s defined as an energetic or metaphysical library of every event, thought, and emotion that has ever occurred. Each person has their own Akashic Records, which is a record of your soul’s entire history. When I access your records, I connect with your spirit guides/ancestors/guardian angels to impart insight and wisdom.

The purpose of the Records is never to fortune-tell your future. However, it can provide profound healing, clarity, wisdom, and perspective to support you on your journey.

Book an Akashic reading, energy healing session, or browse all offerings from Ruby here.