The Shift is a community created by and for BIPOC, activated through gatherings and programs in service of our healing.

Our mission is to help close the wellness gap by joyfully reclaiming our magic and sacred healing practices.

Our gatherings, known as Happenings, are designed to alchemize spirit, culture, and creativity for individual and collective transformation. We shift the world by shifting within ourselves first.

We shift the world by shifting ourselves first.

We shift the world by shifting ourselves first.

What is shifting?

The world is in a spiritual crisis. We are deeply disconnected from ourselves and each other. The Covid pandemic and its fallout have exacerbated an existing loneliness epidemic. People are seeking meaningful connection, and 45% of Americans seek community through spirituality. (Vox)

Yet the Spiritual Industrial Complex has created a world where wellness equals Whiteness.

Most of today’s new-age spiritual teachers and coaches selling classes and practices are white individuals that have claimed non-Anglo cultural ancestral traditions as their own, re-packaged, and sold back to us. Worst yet is that not only is it appropriated practices…it comes to a price tag that most people can’t afford.

Giselle Baumet, Afro-Indigenous Bruja, Intuitive Life Coach, Transpersonal Hypnotherapist + Breathwork Practitioner

It’s time to reclaim our birthright to spirituality and magic, and reimagine ways to meaningfully connect and grow together.

Announcing the first of our Happenings:


Sunday, November 5th, 2023

at Odyssey21 – Compton, CA


A magical gathering + 70’s dance party

Breathwork | Movement | Meditation | Art Therapy

70’s attire strongly encouraged!

Drinks + Lunch included, courtesy of Everytable.

Tickets are sliding scale to accommodate underserved + BIPOC communities to participate. If you’d like to attend, and cost is a barrier, please reach out directly here.

1:1 offerings

In addition to Happenings and group workshops, we have more intimate and 1:1 offerings to support your individual transformation.